Following Merantau, Gareth Evans and his producers began work on a silat movie project called Berandal (Indonesian for "thugs"), a large scale prison gang movie intended to star not only Merantau actors Iko Uwais and
Yayan Ruhian but also an additional pair of international fight stars. A teaser trailer was shot, but the project proved more complex and time consuming than anticipated.[16] After a year and a half, Evans and the producers found themselves with insufficient funds to produce Berandal, so they changed to a simpler but different story with a smaller budget. They called the project Serbuan Maut (The Raid).[17] Producer Ario Sagantoro considers the film to be lighter than Merantau. Gareth Evans also considers it to be "a lot more streamlined," stating that "Merantau is more of a drama" while The Raid is more of a "survival horror film."[18]
Pre-production took about four months, which include finalization of the script (which included translation of the original English-language script into Indonesian) and the work on the choreography for fighting sequence which was designed by Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian.[19] The actors that make up the key members of the police squad were sent to bootcamp military training with KOPASKA, where they learned how to use weapons, and how to perform strategic attack and defense techniques.[20] Filming began in March 2011.[21] The Raid was shot with a Panasonic AF100.[22]
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